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Meet Our Team! Steve Beninati - Foreman

How long have you worked at Soep? I have been with Soep for over two years now.

What do you feel is unique about working at Soep? I've never worked someplace that is so family-oriented and goal-driven.

What is the most memorable project you’ve been involved with at Soep? The work we're doing at MIT these days with the "SoMa" Garage as well as Sites 3 & 4. The size and scale of what we're doing there is really impressive.

How is your role critical to the strategic vision and success of Soep? As a foreman my job is to determine the best approach to delivering our projects in the most efficient manner, while staying on schedule, keeping everyone safe and delivering the best possible quality with a highly productive crew.

What is the most satisfying aspect of your job? The best part is seeing the job through to the completion of each project.

As a foreman how do you spend most of your days? You will find me keeping on top of everyone’s safety, constantly motivating and encouraging the crew, repairing equipment, going over schedules for the next day, meeting with job supers for future planning, constantly trying to stay ahead of other trades while keeping the peace.

Which of Soep’s Core values do you feel is the most critical to the company‘s success? All are equally important but being a Team Player is what I stress the most. Like they say, it just takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch. It takes a full Team effort every single day to deliver the work that we do.

What has it been like returning to work with new safety protocols? As far as we are concerned it's business as usual. We always put a major emphasis on safety and PPE so the changes on our end have been minimal.

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